What is Skypehost.exe?
Skypehost.exe belongs to neither Skype nor is a virus. The application is part of the Microsoft-app "News + Skype" and can slow down the system. This Program is pre-installed in Windows 10 by default and runs in the background even if the program is not in use.How to Uninstall Skypehost.exe?
To Disable Skypehost.exe, you will have to uninstall the associated program. Manual deletion of the file is not recommended.Simultaneously press the [Windows] and [I], to open the settings.
Select the top left the "System" and then the category "Apps & Features".
Search here for the Apps "News+Skype."
Select the Apps and then click the "Uninstall" button.
Then restart Windows again, the SkypeHost.exe should have disappeared.
Disable Skypehost.exe via Powershell:
Open the Start menu of Windows 10 and enter "PowerShell" in the search.Click the search result with the right mouse button and select "Run as administrator".
Confirm the operation with "Yes", opens a blue window. Put here the following two commands:
Get-AppxPackage * Messaging * | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage * skypeapp * | Remove-AppxPackage
Confirm each command individually by pressing [Enter]. Then restart Windows again.