Fix Error code 0x80041004: Firewall as a cause
If you have installed a new PC security software, it may be that this blocks the internet connection to the game servers of Microsoft games. These provide mostly firewall protection, which does not recognize the Microsoft games.Open your PC security software and look for a setting for the firewall.
Make sure that the type of game is allowed through the firewall.
In the Windows Firewall, Microsoft games can be disabled. Go into the Control Panels and then click "System and Security"> " Windows Firewall
Then click "An app or feature through on Windows Firewall Allow" and set the hook in the desired game.
Repair Error code 0x80041004: Incorrect system time
A system time, which further is well behind the server time may also be responsible for the error.Get a radio clock, or visit the page to retrieve the current time and date.
Make a right click on the time display in the Windows taskbar and click "Adjust Date / Time".
Under Windows 10, the time is automatically retrieved from a server. If you have an older version of Windows, go to the next step. Check if this is true. If not, a wrong time zone is probably set. You can enter the time manually by uncheck "Automatically Set Time" function.
Click on "Change date and time" and select the correct values for date and time. Then confirm by clicking "Ok".