4 Ways to Fix Error Code windowsupdate_80244019

The Error Code Windowsupdate_80244019 windowsupdate_dt000 is caused by a service that is responsible for transferring of files between your system and windows server and its called BITS (Background Intelligent transfer Service). This Error can be fixed in two ways either reset BITS or Clear Dns cache but in some PCs users have reported that it was resolved by activating Data Execution Protection. One of these methods will surely resolve this issue.

1: Resolve Code 80244019 by Resetting Windows Update Component:

1. Download and Run Windows Update Troubleshooter
2. Follow this Procedure to reset Components.
Note: Please Skip Step 4 mentioned in Reset Procedure.

Steps to Fix Stop c0000145 Application Error

Stop: C0000145 {Application Error} The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000005) Click ok to close the application. This error occurs in windows 7 due to update ( KB3004394 or KB3545999) and they can be resolved easily just follow the instruction below.

Instructions to Resolve error Stop c0000145:

If the error is caused by  KB3004394 update restart your pc and the blue screen will not appear again. In order to prevent this error appear again next time you start your system all you have to do is uninstall this update from your system. Follow the procedure below to uninstall this update.

Fix Windows Error Code 0x80240020, 0x8007002C, 0x8007003 and 0x80246007

The error code 0x80240020 , 0x8007002C , 0x8007003 and 0x80246007 occurs when windows 10 has failed to update . To check why windows has failed to upgrade follow the steps below:

1. Go to Control Panel
2. Select System Security
3. Select Windows Update
4. Open Windows update history, ( You will find this option on left side)
5. Find the Line Upgrading to Windows 10, Double Click it and a new window will open where you will find why the windows has failed to upgrade. Based on error code take appropriate measures to resolve the problem.