About Dashost.exe Device Association Framework Provider Host

If you find on your computer the process DasHost.exe, don't worry it is not a virus. We will show you what is behind DasHost.exe and whether you really need the process.

Dashost.exe Device association framework provider host:

The abbreviation stands for dasHost.exe "Device Association Framework Provider Host". It is a Windows process which runs invisibly in the background.

The dasHost.exe comes especially under Windows 8 for use, but may also appear on other Windows versions like Windows 10. They study the background always looking for new emails and notify you of the reception.

The dasHost.exe creates high utilization, and you can finish the file safely in the Task Manager. Otherwise, you should let the process run simply for the sake of system stability.

The file is located in the path "C: \ Windows \ System32". Open right-click the "Properties" and go up to the "Details" tab. Is the information in something with those in the picture above agreement, is an original file.
If you still have the suspicion that it could be a threat, which masquerades as dasHost.exe, you can scan the individual file for viruses.